ジェニファー・ビールス インタビュー



インタビュー 稲村美紀

Q: First of all, how did you get this part?

A: I was asked to read the script to choose between Bette and Tina, and I responded better to Bette than Tina. And ... It was just offered to me. I responded more to Bette at that time, because she seems so complicated. Like you know, she is very tough, and but very in control, very sure of herself, and but I thought inside her, there is a different person that is so insecure and disintegrated.

Q: Did you find any similarities between you and Bette?

A: Only that we both are bossy.

Q: How and what kind of research did you do on lesbian life?

A: I didn't research much about lesbian life or gay life. I didn't because... if you look at the scenes, you don't really need to. When you see we are having a couple of coffee with your girl friend, why do I need to know about lesbian life, like I can sit and have a couple of coffee with my girlfriends. But in a way, sex is not really different. It's funny because... when I was researching a role, I did all the research on what it means to run a museum. I did all the research on being passionate about art and studied art and studied museum life and what it takes to raise money to run a museum, all that stuff for the pilot, for the first script. And then came the week, I was supposed to do a love scene, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't know how I am supposed to do. And I don't want lesbian audience to watch the scene and go, “Oh no, she's so not, she gets so wrong.” But I started to think about, because really, I didn't know what to do, so then, I started to think about more of the scene, and I realized that its just about these people, added sort of separated, and not get along with the people, and the scene was really about them reconnecting. So my action is to try to reconnect with my partner, and in a way, it doesn't matter if they are male or female, it's just how you reconnect. And there was just this sort of mechanics. You know, the creator of the show is gay, and director of the pilot was gay, so I asked them, then I would offer my suggestion, because you know you are a woman, what you want done to you by men, and it's not all that different really. I mean it's not. That's what I can tell. Not really. Like all those men and women do together, like, think of everything men and women do together, you know, women and women do together, so it's just a... and make sure we are not do sex things simply by connecting to another person, intimacy, its not about that secret society.