ケイティ・メルア インタビュー



インタビュー 07年9月5日、都内のエイベックスビルにて 斉藤真紀子

Q: When I met you the last time as well, you are mature for your age. I wonder when you write songs, mostly that's from your own experiences or some other factors?

A: It's both a little bit. Sometimesノmainly it's through my experiences. It's not through my experiences, it's always through my emotional experiences. Do you see? There is a big difference. You can someone else tell the story. And if the emotion moves you, then you write a song about it. That doesn't mean you've lived through it. As I said with the books, you get moved, you want to cry, you want to laugh, you want to be sad, you want to be angry. And so that makes you write it, but not through actually physically living that thing.

Q:So you live in London right now?

A: I do, yeah.

Q:And you travel all around the world. I wonder what kind of, if you get inspired by emotional life, do you make efforts to expose yourself to culture?

A: Yeah, I do try to actually. All just kind of people usually is the best way to expose yourself to culture. Because they will reveal their country better than the country itself. So yeah, I think it is important to experience as much in life as you possibly can.

Q:What do you do in your free time if you have?

A: Well, I usually, when I travel, normally I would try walk and find out what the places are, I remember last time when I came to Tokyo, I just went for a walk, I used the underground and just walked for ages and ages...

Q:By yourself?

A: Yeah, yeah, on my own. And if you got any questions, just always ask questionsノThen I also love checking out roller coasters. So I might check that. That's not cultural. Roller coasters are very sort of, you know, the are all around the world. That's not really...

Q:But you try?

A: Yeah, I love roller coasters.

Q:I wonder if you keep your voiceノdo you have any secrets to maintain your voice, to keep diet in a stoic way?

A: I'm not too strict with myself. But the thing I do is I don't have ice creams like cold things, usually bad, really cold things. And also don't have too many spices, very spicy food, that's kind of it. You know, just sort of trying to, just don't put it through too much extremes. Talking is the worst actually that gets your voice more tired than singing. Mainly because when you talk, you sort of talk on one level. But if you went like this (higher tone) and talk like that(lower tone), then you wouldn't tire your voice so much. But when you talk normally, you keep hitting the same strings I suppose. That's why it keeps it way down. But if you go up and down, go down like this, if you talk like that, because you can't talk like that. It sounds silly. But if you did, that would be better.

Q:Any favorite food or places?

A: No, I just love eating everything apart from the spicy stuff.

Q:You were brought up in Georgia and moved to Northern Ireland and now you live in London. You have citizenship right?

A: I do, yeah.

Q:And I wonder how do you identify yourself as British or Georgian?

A: It's bizarre actually. I mean, I don't really, I've never had a problem with, well, I mean we all have problems with identity, but not about what country I'm from. I feel very much Georgian in my heart. But my brain feels like English. You know, so because I spent most of my time in the UK now, most of my life. I do feel like my values are very English, you know, and my belief is very much like English person. But because my family's still in Georgia, I still love the country so much, I feel a bit Georgian. So it's a bit of both.

Q:Does Georgian, you said your heart is Georgian, what kind of cultural perspective that gives to you?

A: Well, the kind of, the best thing is that gives you the very two way perspective. Even you look at things from both sides. In England, for example, there is not a lot of respect for elderly people. I mean there is respect, but they don't really, they put their parents in old people's homes, whereas in Georgia, there is no such thing. Your parents live with you. If they need looking after you, you look after them until they unfortunately pass away. So it's more family oriented. Georgia. That is the value I pertained or I'm trying to.