“Some sentences are short. Some sentences can be very long. Both types are useful. If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring to read. If you use only long sentences all the time it can be confusing to read. People will soon lose interest in what you have to say.”
“Longer (not long) sentences can add colour to your story. Longer sentences can add variety to your sentence. Longer sentences can help you avoid excessive repetition. Longer sentences can help you create a flow to your work.”
“Some sentences are short while others can be very long but both types are useful. If you use only short sentences all the time, it can be boring to read. However, if you use only long sentences all the time, it can be confusing to read and people will soon lose interest in what you have to say.”
“Longer (not long) sentences can add colour and variety to your story and they can also help you avoid excessive repetition and create a flow to your work.”
どうですか?良くなりましたね。 さぁ続けましょう…
あなたに必要な接続詞を決めるときは、まずはじめに文章の目的が何であるかを決めてください。2つの類似した内容をつなげますか?(例えば“as”) または2つの対照的な内容をつなげますか?(例えば“but”) 代替案をつなぐときは?(例えば“or”) または付随した他のことを伝えたい場合は? (例えば“because/since/so”)
ときには、2つのことを別々の文章にせず、それぞれをつなぎたい場合があります。例えば、 "Before he left for work, he made sure that he had packed his cell phone."
“Conjunctions are important. When you use them, it sounds better.” または “Conjunctions are important because when you use them, it sounds better.”