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"Long-term" goals are closely related to the overall strategic intent of the business, i.e. the purpose of the business. "Long term" goals include the overall direction of the business and are usually set with a time frame of between five to ten years, or more. It is difficult to measure the achievability of these goals, as they can be heavily affected by macro-economic factors such as "inflation", "unemploymen"t and "government income and spending". Great caution should be taken here as one needs to attempt to predict future economic trends.

"Short-term" goals are easier to set; these can also be called 都pecific goals? They are produced by assessing the current economical situation and breaking down the "long-term" goals into step-by-step action plans. These are easier to "set", "manage", and "achieve" and are therefore favored as they are more practical and easier to apply into the day-to-day operations of a business.

Both "long-term" and "short-term" goals are important for the business to function as one unit. They provide direction and help personnel to stay in the right frame of mind to contribute to the strategic intent of the organization.